Setting The Mood: The Way Psychology Impacts The Big 3 Web Design Elements

When you are considering the color scheme, typography, and layout for your website, you may not think about how psychology can and should impact your choices. The goal of your website design should include sending a message that is congruent with your business goals.

1. Color Scheme

When considering the overall color scheme for your website, it is important to incorporate color theory and think about the way certain colors are viewed. Color theory is important because it provides general rules for which colors work well together. Not only can selecting the right combination of colors make certain colors "pop," but they can also help you achieve harmony in your composition. For example, warm colors generally work well together, but they also create a sense of excitement or have been known to affect appetite.

A warmer, but still readable, color scheme might work well for a restaurant because warmer colors can make people hungrier and visitors may also associate those colors with heat and spice. Conversely, a spa would aim for cooler colors, such as blues and greens, since these are associated with relaxation, serenity, and water.

2. Typography

Although the feelings and messages associated with color are more obvious, the psychology behind typography can be more obscure. Merging web design best-practices with mood setting can be difficult because it is generally considered appropriate to err on the side of a narrow selection of serif or sans-serif fonts for readability, such as Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman. Incorporating other types of fonts can work well, especially for creative professionals or businesses in the arts.

For example, many handwriting-based fonts create a sense of movement, which might align with a business that teaches ballroom dancing or for a music producer. Bolder, slab fonts can convey strength and power, which is typically the message you want to convey if you are a lawyer or promoting a powerlifting gym.

3. Layout

Trends in layout change constantly, but there are some general layouts that are timeless and continue to send a discreet message. The hallmark of professionalism will be a minimalist layout with plenty of negative space. These layouts are generally clean with few or no pictures and graphics. Clean, simple designs can be perceived as elegant or serious, depending on the nature of other design elements. Generally, the main menu and content of the homepage are centered and symmetrical.

For businesses with a more modern or eclectic approach, they might take advantage of asymmetry to pull the eye toward different elements and stand out among other websites. Major elements, such as the main menu, might be left or right justified, or their homepage might be a single graphic. These atypical design elements can easily align with businesses that pride themselves on being unique and trendy.

Web design is more than your online presence; it can be used to give visitors a sense of your brand and manipulate how they feel about your business. Carefully crafted web design elements can help you send a message that makes sense for your business. For more information, contact your local software development services.
